

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Take Care of your Own Family and MYOB

Little Piper Palin grooming her baby brother Trig is the most adorable thing I have seen on TV in quite some time. I don't know if I will vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin, but I am definitely voting for Piper Palin as the cutest big sister ever! (well, Curly, sorry but you didn't make it to National TV...yet)
I just read a post somewhere from a supposed Mom of seven that she would NEVER let her seven year old (and by the way, the kid was born in 2002, exactly what type of math are you using that makes her seven?) hold any of her babies. Really lady? Seven babies and you held all of them without help? So what did you do, grow an extra arm? You said that it "says it all" - what does that mean? Is it a crime to let someone else hold your baby - or is it just because it was a very capable six year old? I let my four year old feed my 3 1/2 month old all the time. Sometimes, I need to cook dinner, or change another dirty diaper, or address the Republican National Convention - what can I do? We are a family, and we take care of each other. My older kids learn responsibility, what it takes to take care of another being, and that in order for our home to run everyone MUST help out. Maybe I should let my four year old cook dinner for her other siblings instead? Perhaps that would be more appropriate than holding and feeding and loving and caring for her baby brother?

I wonder what is wrong with people in this world who can take the most innocent of moments, (which occurred in an arena that was full of anything but innocence, talk about paradoxes..).and pick it apart? Why do people think that it is okay to attack others for the way they choose to parent? Whether it has to do with breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding; home school/public school/ private school; sandals vs. sneakers vs. bare feet; car seat with a seat belt or a latch; bedtimes; cheeze doodles or carrot sticks....or who is allowed to hold the baby...people, take care of your own family and mind your business. You are not perfect. The kids are going to need therapy anyway, so do your best and hope for an outpatient program that doesn't burn your entire nursing home fund! I for one, thought that little Piper Palin licking her little brother's alfalfa 'do was awesome. Everything that Sarah Palin had to say about how "normal" her family was went in one ear and out the other, but the picture of Piper and Trig said it all. I gotta go now - Curly is getting ready to lick Dexter! Is it wrong that she's been holding him this whole time so Mommy could blog? Hmmmm....


Unknown said...

I laughed outloud! You really need to be paid for this stuff!!!!

Cara said...

BRAVO..I am a big fan of MYOB as you know...you go sister!

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