

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Saying it out loud

Okay, here it is. I have been "joking" about it for some time, but now, I am serious. I hereby proclaim that I intend to make a serious inquiry into...homeschooling. Now, I am with you, at first I thought that it is crazy! Only psycho, crunchy granola types do this sort of thing. But, the thing is, my children are precious, and SMART, really smart. And who, besides me and my husband, should have the privilege of deciding who and what is worthy of teaching them?

The whole thing about socialization is bunk - of course, it is vital, but socialization these days does not come from school alone. And thanks to the Internet (thank you, Al Gore, you're not only saving the planet) homeschoolers unite, they form societies, they participate in group activities, etc. I don't exactly live in a neighborly neighborhood. My kids don't know the little girl next door any more than they know the mailman. (sad, but true, and not because I am not one of the friendliest people I know) But, at just 3 and 4, they have a lot of friends, because I include them in activities. Also, our society is activity oriented (Karate, soccer, dance. language, religion, basketball, scouts) , which I have always , at least thus far, been reluctant to join. I feel like kids these days are over scheduled, and don't have the opportunity to just be kids. Well, homeschooling kind of does away with all that.

Now, don't get me wrong, First son has had a very positive experience in preschool. But, academically, I don't think he gained a darn thing. I think his teachers have been wonderful, and in no way do I think that preschool has been frivolous, or "playschool:", but other that having two and 1/2 hours away from me three times a week, I don't think that First son has gained much either.

So anyway, all I am saying is that this is something that I feel very strongly about, something which I think deserves my full attention. I have been praying about it, and I feel that God is at the least guiding me in a direction which warrants a full discernment process. So, if you are my friend, or my family, and even f your thoughts are quite the opposite, I am asking you to please, please be supportive of this process. I assure you that the kindergarten year will happen as scheduled, beyond that is where I am considering changes. So please, open your heart and open your mind just as I am.


mom2two said...

bc3 always says that anything worth learning, the girls will learn from him. you can send curly, first son, and paddy boy over, any day for a lesson, bc3 style!!

Unknown said...

I know the kind of stuff BC3 has to teach. We have enough pirates and villians, thanks!

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