

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Princess!

My Dear, Sweet Curly Girl,
Happy Birthday to you. Three years old today. It goes so fast. I remember it like yesterday when the doctors pulled you from my tummy and said "it's a girl". In the days that followed your birth I replayed that moment over and over in an attempt to wash away my disbelief. How could it be that God had given me a baby girl? Oh I wanted you for so long. How could I possibly be blessed enough to be given that which I had always wanted? And now here you are, three years old, and you are wonderful! You are so beautiful. You are sweet, and kind, and above all, spunky. You make every day an adventure, I never know what I am going to get with you. Sometimes, I swear, this is not your first time around because you are wise way beyond your years. I look at you today and I imagine you tomorrow. Your future is so full of hope and promise. You can truly be anything you want to be, even now, nobody can tell you "No" and get away with it. You do things on your own terms always, which I admit is a bit much for a three year old, but I try to look beyond that to the amazing woman you will grow into. Some people say that you are just like me, but my sweet Curly girl, you are, at just three years old, already so much more than I can ever hope to be. I love you with all my heart and soul. You are my sweet, sweet little girl, and I am your sweet, sweet big Mommy. I love you. Happy Birthday.

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