

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Bottom of my tops, top of my bottoms

Let me preface this post by saying, I am not a vain person. Not really. I am in to hygiene (under which heading falls my bi-weekly pedicure), and I do get a haircut every six weeks, but make-up is for special occasions, and I am just fine with the fact that most of my clothes come from Target and Old Navy. That said...
Ugh. It has started, the expanding that is inevitable with my condition. It creeps up on me, but there is no more denying it. It started one day 2 weeks ago when, after a few hours in my regular jeans I realized that I was extremely uncomfortable and needed to change. So, I pulled out one pair of comfy and somewhat "cool" preggo jeans. OK, I could deal because, really what we were talking about is comfort. Comfort is a good thing. And, I could still wear my regular tops, I was just upgrading my comfort level a little bit by introducing an elastic waistband on my jeans. Now, not so much. I got dressed this morning, pulled on my preggo jeans and topped them off with a stylish brown ribbed turtleneck - a nice casual look. Very versatile - will take me from my Dr's appt. today right through my glamorous PTA meeting this evening, right? NO. Almost immediately the bottom of my top (there's an interesting phrase) started creeping up. After the walk from the kitchen to the front stoop on the way to the bus stop, the entire blue cotton panel at the top of my bottoms (I can't help myself) was showing! I had to quickly pull my coat closed, and assume unfriendly body language. When hubby gets home this afternoon I am going to have him pull out the entire bucket o' prego clothes. At least we know right where it is, since we only just put it away last week! Argh.

1 comment:

Cara said...

I am not getting the Thursday thing...clue me in. You are promptimg me again to get my ass blogging. I hadnt anything to say lately...imagine that.

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