

Friday, February 20, 2009

Life is too short...

And I refuse to waste a minute of it. You know those people who walk down the street swinging their shopping bag and clicking their heels while whistling a happy tune? Those people don't exist, right? Today I was those people. I am that person. (except that I whistle out of tune...it's part of my charm).

Hubby found out a few weeks ago that he was going to have to be out of town this weekend. I decided that rather than sit at home waiting for catastrophe (there is always, a major problem when hubby is OOT), I would buy a ticket and join him on the journey...sans offspring. So here I am, in St. Augustine, FL having the time of my life. Hubby is gone most of the day because...this IS a business trip after all. I like being alone sometimes. It is liberating. It so rarely happens, and I am savoring it. It is good to have this time to recharge my batteries, reconnect with "me". I am sure that when I return to NY in a few days I will be a better mother, wife and friend for it.

Today I took a trolley ride all around the city, toured some very old houses, sat at the bar and ate my lunch with a beer, then shopped till I nearly dropped (but those who know me, know that it would take A LOT of shopping before I would drop). I sipped a vanilla chai latte and took tons of cool pictures. At the end of the day I knelt in prayer inside our nation's oldest cathedral - a mini basilica, actually. ( incidentally - that means that the Pope can stay there, though with the cold hard marble floors, I'd advise that the Hampton Inn is the better choice). I said a prayer of thanksgiving - for my wonderful husband, our amazing children, all of the people back home who are taking care of our children; for our safe journey; and for this wonderful break that is helping me to appreciate it all so much.


mom2two said...

good for you! enjoy your time in the warm weather, eat good food, drink lots of wine for the rest of us here in cold ny.

Lynne said...

Hooray! Have a great time! And by the way...While you're out shopping could you pick us New Yorkers up some warm weather? No need to gift wrap it...just bring it home in your suitcase!! Savor your last few days! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed your time "off"! After spending a fun filled 24 hours with your beautiful youngest diaper-sporting children I can appreciate the "Parched" post about your dry hands lol.

Cara said...

Well then...very spontaneous of you. Glad you had a nice time. What fun!

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