

Friday, February 27, 2009

Stay Little

It started with a pair of pink converse all-stars. A cute, little pair of sneakers adorning a tiny pair of feet attached to an adorable little girl about two years old. She reminded me so much of my Curly girl, even though she had straight black hair, olive skin and would certainly grow up to be bilingual. It was the outfit. She had on these little cargo pants with a satin lined belt and a pink calico print shirt with a ruched top. She finished it off with the pink converse and an infectious smile. Well, it was the outfit and I think also the way you could tell just by looking at her that she was so....loved. Anyway, it touched my heart.
It may have also had something to do with the pediatrician mentioning that Curly's upcoming physical will also be her Kindergarten physical.
It was well documented here that I had a very hard time sending First Son off to school. And to be honest, even though his school experience has been nothing short of spectacular, I still regard the big yellow taxi with a bit of resentment. Still, I thought that sending Curly off to school would be no big deal. I even joked about it, that when it came to be her turn to get on the bus I would wave with a big fat smile.
Why then, did I cry myself to sleep last night? I don't want to send her off. I want to keep her! Why can't they just stay little??? She's my only girl, I am going to miss her terribly. 5 years is just not enough time!!! I want to soak her up, bathe in her sweet innocence, and not share her for 6 hours a day with anyone! I want to dress her up in cute pink converse sneakers and bounce her on my knee.
Now, my good friends JD and JT assure me that "The Secret of Life is Enjoying the Passage of Time" ....I try, but I don't know.....
It's going to be another long summer.


Anonymous said...

i DO cherish all my moments with him, im trying to hold on to it as much as i can. Its funny, tonite, as i was doing the dishes, i thought to myself..i have to let him go in 7 months. although it is 2 days a week...im not ready for him to leave me and start the next chapter thats about to happen. I keep saying to myself..he will have a great time and meet new friends. Its what he needs. I want to keep him in my pocket forever! will he kiss me like he does now when he turns 3?! I gotta hope so, because thats the lil boy I created..loving and affecionate. Ill meet you at the bar. Jacks Mom

Anonymous said...

Tricia on behalf of both JT and JD we assure you that if you do indeed pay attention to enjoying the passage of time, you will definitely find the secret of life... Dont blink... Try not to try to hard it's just a lovely ride... Peace JD

Denn Mom said...

Oh isn't it the truth!! I start shaking and tears well up when I think of having to send my baby, my firstborn, to a WHOLE DAY of kindergarten next year!! Why can't it be just a half day like when we were little?? I don't know what I will do without her all that time!!

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