

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I am the Mom, I am the Mom, I am the Mom!

Dear Dr. Pediatrician,
I am the Mom. You are the Doctor. Sorry lady, but Mom trumps Doctor. Every time. Now I realize that you have gone through umpteen years of school and training, internships, residencies, etc. I respect that. I do. But here's the thing. While your area of expertise may be "children" my area of expertise is "my child". No one has put in more hours of research, intensive research, on this particular subject. I know this child inside and out. I know the meaning of every sniffle, cough and burp;the sound of every cry, the cause behind every bump and bruise and hive. As I said, I respect your level of training and expertise, now I demand that you respect mine. I will no longer put up with rushed appointments where you do not listen fully to my concerns, where you speak to me like I am an idiot. I am not an idiot, I am THE MOM. And you, ...are fired.

Seriously, I am so tired of my pediatrician's office. I have been saying this for months now, but it is definitely time for me to act on it and move on already. I am getting a new doctor. (Can't wait to see how my "lovely" insurance factors into this one)
I feel kind of sad, because these doctors have been with me from the very beginning. I mean, literally, Dr. S. was in the delivery room when First Son made his entrance into this world. Also, I really like the RN who works there (and yes, Aunt Mean, she is an RN), as well as the receptionist, who is the one who talked me off the ledge when the doctor I had first "hired" when I was expecting First Son turned out to be a major bone-head.
For most of the past 5 and 1/2 years I have been happy there, but lately, I just am not leaving there with a feeling of confidence. I think it is important for a pediatrician to inspire a parent's confidence, not only in the skills of the Dr, but in our own parenting skills. For the past few months I have been feeling frustration and disrespect. I feel like they are at times, pushing drugs unneccesarily, and at times witholding necessary prescriptions. (such as prophylactic antibiotiotics and nasal flu vaccines) They don't seem to want to take the time to discuss options or diagnoses. Dare I say they "blow me off"? Part of the problem, is that there are two doctors in the practice, but since they cover two offices they are never there at the same time. You never know which one you're going to get, and lately it hasn't been the good one. To be honest though, even the good one has, as of late, been a bit of a disappointment.
I am a smart Mom, thank God, and I do my research. I may have mentioned this before, but I don't take anyone's word without checking it out for myself. I walk into every appointment armed with knowledge. In 5 1/2 years I have never, not once missed an appointment. My children's immunization records read like a public health brochure. I am friendly, and polite at all times. I send Christmas cards and bring cookies. My children say please and thank you and clean up the toys they were playing with. I pay my co-pays! I am a model patient parent, but apparently not a good fit for this office. Well, some other doctor's office is going to be happy to have me and my brood, and our co-pay and cookies!


Anonymous said...

what sparked that comment?

Unknown said...

Actually, I hit the publish button by accident, before I had typed up the whole post.

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