

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Cleaning

As I went about my day yesterday: doing laundry, cleaning the boys' room, feeding the cherubs (every 5 minutes) - I was looking forward to sitting down at the end of the day to write a post all about how much I love Spring. This is not a post about how much I love Spring.
Yesterday was a beautiful Spring day. I was working hard all day in my losing battle against dirt. I have to be vigilant, and never let down my guard. It is a challenge to keep anything clean for any length of time when I am outnumbered by small people whose purpose in life seems to be creating a mess. Yesterday though I was doing pretty good, helped by the fact that Curly Girl and Paddy Boy were both playing so nicely outside. I thought to myself, "Wow. Spring Rocks! I forgot about sending the kids outside to play - I can get so much done!" Perhaps I had discovered the basis of "spring cleaning"? So anyway there I was, scrubbing stairs, chasing dust bunnies, folding laundry and even making beds. Suddenly Curly Girl was standing in the doorway to her brothers' room, asking if she could take a shower. Huh? Then I remembered...Springtime = playing in the sandbox = sand in the hair! Ugh. Of course she was followed up the stairs by her little brother, Mr. Muddy Shoes. So much for my stair scrubbing. As for Curly and the sand - have I mentioned that she has curly hair? Not wavy, corkscrew curly. The perfect place for sand to hide and not come out. It took me a good half of an hour of hair washing, with the shower head turned to a strong steady stream and lots of conditioner and fine toothed combing before I felt confident that she was clean. Of course, just like my kitchen floors, kids don't stay clean very long either - two minutes after she was dressed and combed she was out the back door. Oh well, welcome Spring, welcome dirt. It seems like you never left at all.

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